Un preview al colectiei H&M Primavara-Vara a fost lansat saptamana trecuta si banuiesc ca toata lumea asteapta cu nerabdare deschiderea magazinului in primavara. In acest sezon accentul a fost pus pe starea de spirit a anilor 60-70, combinand motive viu colorate ( fuchsia) cu nuante de bej si alb, creand un look romantic-elegant.

" It’s great to reinvent your wardrobe at the beginning of a new season. Fashion doesn’t change as drastically as it used to so you could easily get last season’s favourites to work with smart updates. Safe buys for spring are cool classics in beige or white, and the longer skirts and dresses feel new and very feminine”, says H&M’s head of design Ann-Sofie Johansson.
Colectia primvara-vara pentru barbati este absolut "breath-taking". Exceptie facand pantalonii scurti! Urasc sa vad un barbat imbracat in ei.
"The function and form of utility clothing and the global trend for personal style are major fashion influences this spring. It’s all about finding perfect new versions of contemporary classics, then styling them in a completely new way. Khakis are a must, and essential pieces look better than ever, be it a blazer, a uniform jacket, a striped jersey or a crisp shirt, to be matched with tailored trousers, chinos, white jeans or shorts. These pieces work from day to evening, and can be styled to suit seasonal trends as well as to express an individual’s own personality. It’s like the best version of a man’s wardrobe, where everything works together, taking what’s familiar and creating something completely fresh."
big, big, liiiike ! ;-D